| TomsToolbox.Essentials Namespace |
Core classes and functions that only depend on System functions. Available for any project targeting .Net4.5 or .NetStandard 2.0
Classes | Class | Description |
| AssemblyExtensions |
Extension methods for assemblies.
| AutoWeakIndexerTKey, TValue |
A thread safe, DictionaryTKey, TValue like implementation that populates it's content on demand, i.e. calling indexer[key] will never return null.
The cache has only weak references to the values, so the values may come and go.
| BinaryOperationProcessor |
Applies the Operation on the values. |
| CollectionExtensions |
Extensions methods to ease dealing with collections.
| CultureInfoExtensions |
Extension methods for the CultureInfo class.
| CustomAttributeProviderExtensions |
Various extension methods.
| DateTimeOperations |
Additional operations for DateTime and TimeSpan.
| DefaultValue |
Helper methods to get the default value for a type when the type is only available at runtime.
| DelegateComparerT | IComparerT implementation using a delegate function to compare the values.
| DelegateEqualityComparerT | IEqualityComparerT implementation using a delegate function to compare the values.
| Disposable |
Helper methods to ease robust implementation of the IDisposable pattern.
| Enumerate |
Some enumerators for various scenarios.
| EnumExtensions |
Extension methods to ease dealing with Enum types.
| ExceptionExtensions |
Extension methods to ease dealing with exceptions.
| HashCode |
Helper to generate hash codes
| HighResolutionTimer |
A high resolution timer that runs in a single thread.
Timer events are triggered with high resolution, but new events will not be triggered unless the previous event is processed.
| MathExtensions |
Extension methods for math operations.
| NullableExtensions |
Replacements for some common methods with extra nullable annotations.
| ObjectExtensions |
Extensions for any objects.
| PluginModuleAttribute |
Denotes an assembly as a loadable module.
Categories may be assigned to implement dynamic loading of modules by category.
| PropertySupport |
Provides support for extracting property information based on a property expression.
| RealTimeService |
Time service returning the actual system values from DateTime.
| ReflectionExtensions |
Methods to ease reflection
| RegexExtensions |
Extension methods for Regex.
| SemanticVersion |
A class to parse and compare semantic versions. (https://semver.org/)
| SequenceAttribute |
General usable sequence attribute to assign sequences to any object that may need to be e.g. sorted by some means.
| TextAttribute |
Specifies a general usable attribute to associate text with an object,
similar to DisplayNameAttribute or DescriptionAttribute, but without a predefined usage scope.
| TextEventArgs |
Event arguments for events that deal with text, e.g. text changed or text received.
| ThreadBoundTaskScheduler |
A TaskScheduler that queues the tasks an runs them in one dedicated thread.
| TypeExtensions |
Extension methods for Type |
| WeakEventListenerTTarget, TSource, TEventArgs |
Implements a weak event listener that allows the owner to be garbage
collected if its only remaining link is an event handler.
| WeakEventSourceTEventArgs |
A simple weak event source implementation; useful for static events where you don't want to keep a reference to the event sink.
| WeakReferenceExtensions |
Extensions for WeakReferenceT |
| WeakReferenceSetT |
A simple set of weak references.
| XmlExtensions |
Extension methods for System.Xml.Linq objects.
Interfaces | Interface | Description |
| INotifyChanged |
Interface implemented by objects that support a generic changed event.
| ITimeService |
A service providing the current date or time.
Very useful to decouple code from the static DateTime methods, to make code that has dependencies to date or time testable.
| IWeakEventListener |
Common interface for weak event listener.