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UserAccountControlIsProcessElevated Method

The function gets the elevation information of the current process. It dictates whether the process is elevated or not. Token elevation is only available on Windows Vista and newer operating systems, thus IsProcessElevated throws a C++ exception if it is called on systems prior to Windows Vista. It is not appropriate to use this function to determine whether a process is run as administrator.

Namespace:  TomsToolbox.Desktop
Assembly:  TomsToolbox.Desktop (in TomsToolbox.Desktop.dll)
public static bool IsProcessElevated()

Return Value

Type: Boolean
Returns true if the process is elevated. Returns false if it is not.
Win32Exception When any native Windows API call fails, the function throws a Win32Exception with the last error code.
TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS provides TokenElevationType to check the elevation type (TokenElevationTypeDefault / TokenElevationTypeLimited / TokenElevationTypeFull) of the process. It is different from TokenElevation in that, when UAC is turned off, elevation type always returns TokenElevationTypeDefault even though the process is elevated (Integrity Level == High). In other words, it is not safe to say if the process is elevated based on elevation type. Instead, we should use TokenElevation.
See Also