Content |
The ContentControlCompositionBehavior type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
GetExports |
Gets the visual composition exports for the specified region.
(Inherited from VisualCompositionBehavior<T>) | |
GetTarget |
Gets the target object for the item.
If the item implements IComposablePartFactory, the element returned by the factory is returned;
otherwise the item itself is returned.
(Inherited from VisualCompositionBehavior<T>) | |
OnAssociatedObjectLoaded |
Called when the associated object is loaded.
(Inherited from VisualCompositionBehavior<T>) | |
OnAssociatedObjectUnloaded |
Called when the associated object is unloaded.
(Inherited from VisualCompositionBehavior<T>) | |
OnAttached |
Called after the behavior is attached to an AssociatedObject.
(Inherited from VisualCompositionBehavior<T>) | |
OnDetaching |
Called when the behavior is being detached from its AssociatedObject, but before it has actually occurred.
(Inherited from FrameworkElementBehavior<T>) | |
OnUpdate |
Updates this instance when any of the constraints have changed.
(Overrides VisualCompositionBehavior<T>.OnUpdate()) | |
Update |
Called when any of the constraints have changed and the target needs to be updated.
(Inherited from VisualCompositionBehavior<T>) |
Name | Description | |
Ancestors |
Returns an enumeration of the ancestor elements in the logical tree of this element.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions) | |
AncestorsAndSelf |
Returns an enumeration of elements that contain this element, and the ancestors in the logical tree of this element.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions) | |
GetExportProvider |
Gets the active export provider for the specified object.
(Defined by ExportProviderLocator) | |
GetMissingExportProviderMessage |
Gets the message to show when an export provider could not be located in the visual tree.
(Defined by ExportProviderLocator) | |
GetRootVisual |
Gets the root visual for the item.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions) | |
GetValue<T> |
Gets the value of a dependency property using SafeCast<T>(Object).
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions) | |
GetWindowHandle |
Gets the window handle of the HwndSource hosting this item.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions) | |
SafeCast<T> |
Performs a cast from object to T, avoiding possible null violations if T is a value type.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions) | |
SetExportProvider |
Sets the export provider.
(Defined by ExportProviderLocator) | |
TryFindAncestor<T> |
Returns the first element in the ancestor list that implements the type of the type parameter.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions) | |
TryFindAncestor<T> |
Returns the first element in the ancestor list that implements the type of the type parameter.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions) | |
TryFindAncestorOrSelf<T> |
Returns the first element in the ancestor list that implements the type of the type parameter.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions) | |
TryFindAncestorOrSelf<T> |
Returns the first element in the ancestor list that implements the type of the type parameter.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions) | |
TryGetExportProvider |
Gets the active export provider for the specified object, or null if no export provider is registered.
(Defined by ExportProviderLocator) | |
TryGetRootVisual |
Gets the root visual for the item.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions) | |
VisualAncestors |
Returns an enumeration of the ancestor elements in the visual tree of this element.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions) | |
VisualAncestorsAndSelf |
Returns an enumeration of elements that contains this element, and the ancestors in the visual tree of this element.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions) | |
VisualChildren |
Enumerates the immediate children of the specified item.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions) | |
VisualChildrenAndSelf |
Enumerates the specified item and it's immediate children.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions) | |
VisualDescendants |
Enumerates all visuals descendants of the specified item.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions) | |
VisualDescendantsAndSelf |
Enumerates the specified item and all it's visual descendants.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions) |