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ObservableExtensionsObservableWhereT Method

Returns an observable collection of objects of type T that contains all items of the source collection that pass the filter. See ObservableFilteredCollectionT for details.

Namespace:  TomsToolbox.ObservableCollections
Assembly:  TomsToolbox.ObservableCollections (in TomsToolbox.ObservableCollections.dll)
public static IObservableCollection<T> ObservableWhere<T>(
	this IList<T> source,
	Func<T, bool> predicate,
	params string[] liveTrackingProperties


Type: System.Collections.GenericIListT
The source collection.
Type: SystemFuncT, Boolean
The predicate used to filter.
Type: SystemString
The live tracking properties. Whenever one of these properties in any item changes, the filter is reevaluated for the item.

Type Parameters

The type of the target elements.

Return Value

Type: IObservableCollectionT
The observable collection of objects of type T that contains the filtered items of the source collection.

Usage Note

In Visual Basic and C#, you can call this method as an instance method on any object of type IListT. When you use instance method syntax to call this method, omit the first parameter. For more information, see Extension Methods (Visual Basic) or Extension Methods (C# Programming Guide).
See Also