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ContentControlCompositionBehavior Properties

The ContentControlCompositionBehavior type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCompositionContext
Gets or sets the composition context.
(Inherited from VisualCompositionBehaviorT.)
Public propertyCompositionContextBinding
Gets or sets the composition context binding. the binding will be applied to the RegionId property only after the behavior is attached to the logical tree, so you don't get misleading binding errors.
(Inherited from VisualCompositionBehaviorT.)
Protected propertyExportProvider
Gets or sets the export provider (DI container). The export provider must be registered with the ExportProviderLocator.
(Inherited from VisualCompositionBehaviorT.)
Protected propertyIsLoaded
Gets a value indicating whether the associated object is loaded.
(Inherited from FrameworkElementBehaviorT.)
Public propertyRegionId
Gets or sets the id of the region. The region id is used to select candidates for composition.
(Inherited from VisualCompositionBehaviorT.)
Public propertyRegionIdBinding
Gets or sets the region identifier binding; the binding will be applied to the RegionId property only after the behavior is attached to the logical tree, so you don't get misleading binding errors.
(Inherited from VisualCompositionBehaviorT.)
Public propertyRole
Gets or sets the name of the item that should be attached.
See Also