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ArithmeticMultiValueConverterConvert Method

Converts source values to a value for the binding target. The data binding engine calls this method when it propagates the values from source bindings to the binding target. An input value of null will return null, whereas if the input array contains UnSet then UnSet will be returned.

Namespace:  TomsToolbox.Wpf.Converters
Assembly:  TomsToolbox.Wpf (in TomsToolbox.Wpf.dll)
protected override Object Convert(
	Object?[] values,
	Type? targetType,
	Object? parameter,
	CultureInfo? culture


Type: SystemObject
The array of values that the source bindings in the MultiBinding produces. The value UnsetValue indicates that the source binding has no value to provide for conversion.
Type: SystemType
The type of the binding target property.
Type: SystemObject
The converter parameter to use.
Type: System.GlobalizationCultureInfo
The culture to use in the converter.

Return Value

Type: Object
A converted value.
See Also