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DependencyObjectExtensions Methods

The DependencyObjectExtensions type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAncestors
Returns an enumeration of the ancestor elements in the logical tree of this element.
Public methodStatic memberAncestorsAndSelf
Returns an enumeration of elements that contain this element, and the ancestors in the logical tree of this element.
Public methodStatic memberGetExtent
Gets the extent of the thickness when applied to an empty rectangle.
Public methodStatic memberGetRootVisual
Gets the root visual for the item.
Public methodStatic memberGetValueT
Public methodStatic memberGetWindowHandle
Gets the window handle of the HwndSource hosting this item.
Public methodStatic memberTrackT
Tracks the changes of the specified property.
Public methodStatic memberTryFindAncestorT(DependencyObject)
Returns the first element in the ancestor list that implements the type of the type parameter.
Public methodStatic memberTryFindAncestorT(DependencyObject, FuncT, Boolean)
Returns the first element in the ancestor list that implements the type of the type parameter.
Public methodStatic memberTryFindAncestorOrSelfT(DependencyObject)
Returns the first element in the ancestor list that implements the type of the type parameter.
Public methodStatic memberTryFindAncestorOrSelfT(DependencyObject, FuncT, Boolean)
Returns the first element in the ancestor list that implements the type of the type parameter.
Public methodStatic memberTryGetRootVisual
Gets the root visual for the item.
Public methodStatic memberVisualAncestors
Returns an enumeration of the ancestor elements in the visual tree of this element.
Public methodStatic memberVisualAncestorsAndSelf
Returns an enumeration of elements that contains this element, and the ancestors in the visual tree of this element.
Public methodStatic memberVisualChildren
Enumerates the immediate children of the specified item.
Public methodStatic memberVisualChildrenAndSelf
Enumerates the specified item and it's immediate children.
Public methodStatic memberVisualDescendants
Enumerates all visuals descendants of the specified item.
Public methodStatic memberVisualDescendantsAndSelf
Enumerates the specified item and all it's visual descendants.
See Also