Click or drag to resize

Map Fields

The Map type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberBoundsProperty
Identifies the Bounds dependency property
Public fieldStatic memberCenterProperty
Identifies the Center dependency property
Public fieldStatic memberImageProviderProperty
Identifies the ImageProvider dependency property
Public fieldStatic memberMouseDoubleClickCommandProperty
Identifies the MouseDoubleClickCommand dependency property.
Public fieldStatic memberMousePositionProperty
Identifies the MousePosition dependency property.
Public fieldStatic memberOffsetProperty
Identifies the Offset read only dependency property
Public fieldStatic memberTemplatePartViewport
The template part name of the viewport visual.
Public fieldStatic memberTemplatePartWorld
The template part name of the world visual.
Public fieldStatic memberViewportProperty
Identifies the Viewport dependency property.
Public fieldStatic memberViewportSizeProperty
Identifies the ViewportSize dependency property
Public fieldStatic memberWorldProperty
Identifies the World dependency property.
Public fieldStatic memberZoomFactorProperty
Identifies the ZoomFactor dependency property
Public fieldStatic memberZoomingPointProperty
Identifies the ZoomingPoint dependency property
Public fieldStatic memberZoomLevelProperty
Identifies the ZoomLevel dependency property
See Also