Click or drag to resize

Map Class

A control showing maps represented in a tile system, e.g. Open Street Map, Bing or Google maps. See e.g. for a description how the tile system works.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  TomsToolbox.Wpf.Controls
Assembly:  TomsToolbox.Wpf (in TomsToolbox.Wpf.dll)
[TemplatePartAttribute(Name = "PART_World")]
[TemplatePartAttribute(Name = "PART_Viewport")]
public class Map : ContentControl

The Map type exposes the following members.

Public methodMap
Initializes a new instance of the Map class.
Public propertyBounds
Gets the bounds of the viewport in logical coordinates.
Public propertyCenter
Gets or sets the logical point of the map that is displayed in the center of the viewport.
Public propertyImageProvider
Gets or sets the image provider.
Public propertyMouseDoubleClickCommand
Gets or sets the double click command. The command will be executed when the user double clicks on the map. The command parameter is a Point containing the logical coordinates.
Public propertyMousePosition
Gets the last mouse position when the mouse was over the map in logical coordinates.
Public propertyOffset
Gets the logical offset that the map image is moved relative to it's origin.
Public propertyViewport
Gets the element representing the viewport.
Public propertyViewportSize
Gets the zoom factor.
Public propertyWorld
Gets the element representing the map layer.
Public propertyZoomFactor
Gets the zoom factor.
Public propertyZoomingPoint
Gets or sets the logical coordinates of the zooming point that will stay fixed when zooming.
Public propertyZoomLevel
Gets or sets the zoom level. Set to integer values to get non-blurred images.
Public fieldStatic memberBoundsProperty
Identifies the Bounds dependency property
Public fieldStatic memberCenterProperty
Identifies the Center dependency property
Public fieldStatic memberImageProviderProperty
Identifies the ImageProvider dependency property
Public fieldStatic memberMouseDoubleClickCommandProperty
Identifies the MouseDoubleClickCommand dependency property.
Public fieldStatic memberMousePositionProperty
Identifies the MousePosition dependency property.
Public fieldStatic memberOffsetProperty
Identifies the Offset read only dependency property
Public fieldStatic memberTemplatePartViewport
The template part name of the viewport visual.
Public fieldStatic memberTemplatePartWorld
The template part name of the world visual.
Public fieldStatic memberViewportProperty
Identifies the Viewport dependency property.
Public fieldStatic memberViewportSizeProperty
Identifies the ViewportSize dependency property
Public fieldStatic memberWorldProperty
Identifies the World dependency property.
Public fieldStatic memberZoomFactorProperty
Identifies the ZoomFactor dependency property
Public fieldStatic memberZoomingPointProperty
Identifies the ZoomingPoint dependency property
Public fieldStatic memberZoomLevelProperty
Identifies the ZoomLevel dependency property
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodAncestors
Returns an enumeration of the ancestor elements in the logical tree of this element.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAncestorsAndSelf
Returns an enumeration of elements that contain this element, and the ancestors in the logical tree of this element.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodBeginInvoke(Action)Overloaded.
Invokes the specified method asynchronously in the dispatcher thread of the visual.
(Defined by VisualExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodBeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority, Action)Overloaded.
Invokes the specified method asynchronously in the dispatcher thread of the visual.
(Defined by VisualExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetClientRectOverloaded.
Gets the client rectangle of the framework element.
(Defined by PresentationFrameworkExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetClientRect(Visual)Overloaded.
Gets the client rectangle of the framework element translated to another visual.
(Defined by PresentationFrameworkExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetDesignUnitSize
Gets the physical size of one design unit in pixels.
(Defined by PresentationFrameworkExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetExportProvider
Gets the active export provider for the specified object.
(Defined by ExportProviderLocator.)
Public Extension MethodGetExtentOverloaded.
Gets the extent of the framework element.
(Defined by PresentationFrameworkExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetExtent(FrameworkElement)Overloaded.
Gets the extent of the framework element translated to another visual.
(Defined by PresentationFrameworkExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetMissingExportProviderMessage
Gets the message to show when an export provider could not be located in the visual tree.
(Defined by ExportProviderLocator.)
Public Extension MethodGetPhysicalPixelSize
Gets the physical size of one pixel in design units.
(Defined by PresentationFrameworkExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetRootVisual
Gets the root visual for the item.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetValueT (Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetWindowHandle
Gets the window handle of the HwndSource hosting this item.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodProcessMessagesOverloaded.
Waits until all pending messages up to the Background priority are processed.
(Defined by PresentationFrameworkExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodProcessMessages(DispatcherPriority)Overloaded.
Waits until all pending messages up to the specified priority are processed.
(Defined by PresentationFrameworkExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSafeCastT
Performs a cast from object to T, avoiding possible null violations if T is a value type.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSetExportProvider
Sets the export provider.
(Defined by ExportProviderLocator.)
Public Extension MethodTryFindAncestorTOverloaded.
Returns the first element in the ancestor list that implements the type of the type parameter.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodTryFindAncestorT(FuncT, Boolean)Overloaded.
Returns the first element in the ancestor list that implements the type of the type parameter.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodTryFindAncestorOrSelfTOverloaded.
Returns the first element in the ancestor list that implements the type of the type parameter.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodTryFindAncestorOrSelfT(FuncT, Boolean)Overloaded.
Returns the first element in the ancestor list that implements the type of the type parameter.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodTryGetExportProvider
Gets the active export provider for the specified object, or null if no export provider is registered.
(Defined by ExportProviderLocator.)
Public Extension MethodTryGetRootVisual
Gets the root visual for the item.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodVisualAncestors
Returns an enumeration of the ancestor elements in the visual tree of this element.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodVisualAncestorsAndSelf
Returns an enumeration of elements that contains this element, and the ancestors in the visual tree of this element.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodVisualChildren
Enumerates the immediate children of the specified item.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodVisualChildrenAndSelf
Enumerates the specified item and it's immediate children.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodVisualDescendants
Enumerates all visuals descendants of the specified item.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodVisualDescendantsAndSelf
Enumerates the specified item and all it's visual descendants.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions.)
See Also