Click or drag to resize

Map Properties

The Map type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBounds
Gets the bounds of the viewport in logical coordinates.
Public propertyCenter
Gets or sets the logical point of the map that is displayed in the center of the viewport.
Public propertyImageProvider
Gets or sets the image provider.
Public propertyMouseDoubleClickCommand
Gets or sets the double click command. The command will be executed when the user double clicks on the map. The command parameter is a Point containing the logical coordinates.
Public propertyMousePosition
Gets the last mouse position when the mouse was over the map in logical coordinates.
Public propertyOffset
Gets the logical offset that the map image is moved relative to it's origin.
Public propertyViewport
Gets the element representing the viewport.
Public propertyViewportSize
Gets the zoom factor.
Public propertyWorld
Gets the element representing the map layer.
Public propertyZoomFactor
Gets the zoom factor.
Public propertyZoomingPoint
Gets or sets the logical coordinates of the zooming point that will stay fixed when zooming.
Public propertyZoomLevel
Gets or sets the zoom level. Set to integer values to get non-blurred images.
See Also