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CommandSourceFactory Class

Base class for command declaration to be used with visual composition.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  TomsToolbox.Wpf.Composition
Assembly:  TomsToolbox.Wpf.Composition (in TomsToolbox.Wpf.Composition.dll)
public abstract class CommandSourceFactory : CommandSourceFactory<CommandSource>

The CommandSourceFactory type exposes the following members.

Protected methodCommandSourceFactory
Initializes a new instance of the CommandSourceFactory class
Public propertyDescription
Gets the tool tip to be shown in the UI. Usually this is a localized text describing the command.
(Inherited from CommandSourceFactoryT.)
Public propertyGroupName
Gets the name of the group that this command belongs to. If different group names are specified for a target region, the commands can be grouped and the groups separated by a Separator.
(Inherited from CommandSourceFactoryT.)
Public propertyHeader
Gets the header to be shown in the UI. Usually this is a localized text naming the command.
(Inherited from CommandSourceFactoryT.)
Public propertyIcon
Gets the icon to be shown in the UI, or null to show no icon.
(Inherited from CommandSourceFactoryT.)
Public propertyIsCheckable
Gets a value indicating whether the control associated with this instance should be checkable, e.g. a MenuItem with IsCheckable or a ToggleButton in a tool bar.
(Inherited from CommandSourceFactoryT.)
Public propertyShowTextOnButtons
Gets a value indicating whether to show the header text when this command is bound to a button. If false, only the icon should be displayed.
(Inherited from CommandSourceFactoryT.)
Public propertySubRegionId
Gets the id of the region sub-items can register for.
(Inherited from CommandSourceFactoryT.)
Public propertyTag
Gets a tag that can be bound to the target objects tag.
(Inherited from CommandSourceFactoryT.)
Public methodAttach
Attaches the specified command. The last command attached will become the active command, while the previous command will be pushed on a stack.
(Inherited from CommandSourceFactoryT.)
Protected methodCreateCommandSource
Creates a new CommandSource or derived object.
(Overrides CommandSourceFactoryTCreateCommandSource.)
Public methodDetach
Detaches the specified command. If the detached command was the active command, the previous command from the stack will become the active command.
(Inherited from CommandSourceFactoryT.)
Public methodGetPart
Gets the part for the specified context.
(Inherited from CommandSourceFactoryT.)
Public methodReplace
Replaces the specified old command with the new command, preserving it's position in the command stack.
(Inherited from CommandSourceFactoryT.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodAncestors
Returns an enumeration of the ancestor elements in the logical tree of this element.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAncestorsAndSelf
Returns an enumeration of elements that contain this element, and the ancestors in the logical tree of this element.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetExportProvider
Gets the active export provider for the specified object.
(Defined by ExportProviderLocator.)
Public Extension MethodGetMissingExportProviderMessage
Gets the message to show when an export provider could not be located in the visual tree.
(Defined by ExportProviderLocator.)
Public Extension MethodGetRootVisual
Gets the root visual for the item.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetValueT (Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetWindowHandle
Gets the window handle of the HwndSource hosting this item.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSafeCastT
Performs a cast from object to T, avoiding possible null violations if T is a value type.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSetExportProvider
Sets the export provider.
(Defined by ExportProviderLocator.)
Public Extension MethodTryFindAncestorTOverloaded.
Returns the first element in the ancestor list that implements the type of the type parameter.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodTryFindAncestorT(FuncT, Boolean)Overloaded.
Returns the first element in the ancestor list that implements the type of the type parameter.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodTryFindAncestorOrSelfTOverloaded.
Returns the first element in the ancestor list that implements the type of the type parameter.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodTryFindAncestorOrSelfT(FuncT, Boolean)Overloaded.
Returns the first element in the ancestor list that implements the type of the type parameter.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodTryGetExportProvider
Gets the active export provider for the specified object, or null if no export provider is registered.
(Defined by ExportProviderLocator.)
Public Extension MethodTryGetRootVisual
Gets the root visual for the item.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodVisualAncestors
Returns an enumeration of the ancestor elements in the visual tree of this element.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodVisualAncestorsAndSelf
Returns an enumeration of elements that contains this element, and the ancestors in the visual tree of this element.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodVisualChildren
Enumerates the immediate children of the specified item.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodVisualChildrenAndSelf
Enumerates the specified item and it's immediate children.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodVisualDescendants
Enumerates all visuals descendants of the specified item.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodVisualDescendantsAndSelf
Enumerates the specified item and all it's visual descendants.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions.)
See Also